the rectangles, 2022

Seven inkjet prints, tape. Dimensions variable.

When tickets and receipts hung on the wall next to a window in the bedroom put on visible signs of yellowing, two and more years have passed since the events accompanied by the papery rectangles took place. The hues of stained off-whites and yellows are the result of an elongated deposition of sun exposure and time. Seven of the distinct rectangles are temporarily removed from the wall, scanned, and intervened (fig.3 and 4). The exposed information indicated on the pieces of evidence of the events are digitally effaced, leaving only the most specific scale of time — hours of a boarding pass without dates or dates of a museum ticket without years — and nothing else except the preserved patterns of the tickets. The reproduced group then returns to their original positions on the side of the wall as if they have never left. Beyond the tranquil familiarity, the pieces of yellowish paper once tied firmly to the events become the most indecisive anchor points. Hardly noticeable, they are signifiers of a lost moment in time and at once the sites where duration accumulate into visible shapes of colors.