暖气机 Heater





Before hearing the heating running, I smelled it.

Returning to my apartment after a snowy day in mid-March, I flicked the heater switch on. I did not hear the sound of tightening water flow as expected, nor the sound of vibration of the metal outlet when the fan blades are activated, nor smell the warm air of the heater. On the first day of daylight saving time, which was not expected to snow, the heater that had been working smoothly all winter broke down unexpectedly. 

I typed these words listening to the whirring sound of the heater running properly again, realizing that this sound and this smell had become a habit to ensure my sense of security. Ten minutes ago, I was chatting with the building's mechanic, as he checked the heater. "We were ready to cut off the heating, but we didn't expect another snowfall. " Winter is stretched long, but it seems like it is about to leave with just a few snowfalls. The definition of seasons requires the calendar, trees, and weather to function together, yet there is always a drop-out among them. The calendar flips over to spring, the trees try to grow, and snowflakes fall again. The superimposition of measurement and counting systems may be the weights that are stacked on top of each other to solidify our perception of things. I heard the short, tightening flow of water, the uneven rotation of the fan blades, and smelled the warm air of the heater in turn. The mechanic closed the front cover of the heater and left after hearing the heat coming in. I did not tell him that I already knew the heater was starting up properly again when I smelled it.

It is a beautiful sunny day and spring is coming. 

洗衣液 Laundry Detergent


Prior to today's workout, I decided to find another pair of leggings brought over from home to wear. These black leggings have been in a storage bag on the top shelf of the closet since I brought them from home, and I have not taken them out yet. I pulled the bag open, took the pants out, and then held them up to my nose and smelled out of habit: ah, they smell of the laundry detergent mom used. The balcony, the wind, the sound of the leaves, the heat, the light, the smell of the sun, an afternoon. 

鲜绿色 Bright Green



When I passed by the garden downstairs today, I noticed that three small trees had sprouted new green shoots, as if there were drops of water adhering to the surface of those bright green, not yet fully-spread leaves extended out on the long, thin branches. I am sure the new shoots only popped up within the week (maybe they just poked their heads out on that sudden warming night yesterday, accompanied by rain), and winter seems to have been lingering on the bare branches long enough since the first snowfall. Not long ago (I cannot remember if it was last week or a day before that. The events attached to the weather have been my reference for a long time when getting the time coordinates from the opposite direction, but at this moment when I am recalling the last snowfall, the specific events also hurriedly cross the timeline like snowflakes, failing to give me the specific orientation where they have existed.) Was the snow accompanied by strong winds the last snow of this winter? 

When I passed by the garden today, I noticed that three small trees had sprouted new green shoots, and I could go to the park again soon. 


The curling iron has the smell of temperature as well. 

暖气机 Heater



公寓卧室里的暖气已经有些岁数了,开关处的操作指示还是打印在纸张上用胶水粘在一侧的,纸张已经是不同程度的泛黄和脆化了。控制面板上一共是右侧的五个按键和左侧的一个旋转按钮,五个按键对应五种工作状态,从上往下依次是白的、红的、浅蓝的、深蓝的、黑色的。”All Year Comfort - Yours at a Touch,” 平易近人的标语。该有的功能倒是一个没少,只是不像新一代的电动暖气机那样还带着一个精确调节温度的液晶显示屏。刚开始用上这个机子的两三周,我还会聚精凝神地缓慢调节这个根本没有数字刻度的控制扭(其实也不是完全没有“刻度”,只是刻度的标准过于暧昧了。扭到最左边是一个红色字的“warmer”,反方向的尽头是一个蓝色字的“cooler”),生怕稍有偏差便会影响到接下来一晚的室内温度。再后来,我调节他的态度也学着像它的标识一样含糊了;反正开暖气的日子扭到左半边,开冷气的日子扭到右半边,至于这个控制扭指向具体的哪个角度是完全用不着操心的。




Before hearing the heating running, I smelled it. 

The heater had not been on for two nights and although spring was just around the corner according to the weather forecast, I decided to wrap up the memo I had started a few days ago under the heading "Heater" before it was no longer needed. 

The heater in my apartment bedroom was a bit old, and the operating instructions were printed on paper and glued to one side of the switch, the paper being yellow and brittle to varying degrees. The control panel has five buttons on the right side and a rotary button on the left. From top to bottom, the five buttons are white, red, light blue, dark blue, and black, corresponding to five operating states, and accompanied with a simple slogan: "All Year Comfort - Yours at a Touch." The heater has plenty of functions, but not as many as the new generation of electric heaters with LCDs for precise temperature control. During the first two or three weeks of using this heater, I focused on slowly adjusting the rotary button, which had no digital scale at all (in fact, it does have a scale, but it is ambiguous. To the left of the scale is a "warmer" in red, and to the right is a "cooler" in blue), out of concern that a slight deviation might affect the room temperature. Later, I learned to be as ambiguous as the scale. For hot air, I turned the button to the left, and for cold air, I turned it to the right. It does not matter at which degree the button is twisted.

My first winter with it was a struggle due to the machine being old. I was not aware that the heater was malfunctioning the first few nights when the temperature dropped. In my experience as a person from the south using a heater for the first time, I had no idea how heaters work until mine was repaired. There were some instances where I thought the heater was working because the heaters were generating heat, but the wind-casing had already failed, rendering the machine as a heat generator that could not distribute heat beyond its own space at a distance of five meters from my bed. In bed with two layers of quilts, I sighed at how difficult it must be for Northerners to spend the winter. My roommate showed up in the kitchen wearing a t-shirt and shorts with red cheeks the following morning, and I realized that something might have gone wrong.

Let me describe the process of starting the heater: After pressing the plastic switch button, you hear a sudden contracted then relaxed sound of water flowing through one of the (perhaps straight, perhaps curved) metal pipes; about five seconds later, the blades of the blower motor begin to turn clockwise and make about six unpleasant taps that are about one second apart. It is then time to pray for the smell of heat to appear as expected. The dry, hot, dusty, and reassuring smell. I always smelled the heating before hearing it. 

Keeping calm and optimistic when dealing with an old heater is essential. If the heater returns to a serene and cold state five minutes after what you just did and prayed, repeat these steps once again. 

语气助词 Modal particle


Modal particles are mostly difficult to translate. They weigh so little. 

山楂 Hawthorn


I tried to sort out why the "souring" reaction happened at the glands on both sides of my cheeks caused by the appearance of "hawthorn". Firstly, "hawthorn" is known for its acidity (but it is also a prerequisite that you "know about hawthorn and have eaten it, preferably hawthorns that are not fully ripe, and you have a physiology that responds to acidity). Secondly, while browsing the mobile phone, "hawthorn" showed up as an image. Then, there was a text description of "hawthorn" provided by the author of the image (you recall the sweet hawthorn or sugar-coated hawthorn you have eaten, but you are too overwhelmed by the sour, cringe-worthy experience you once had). I was still attempting to make sense of the order in which the image and words of "hawthorn" were taken in, when a sour sensation of saliva began to manifest on my gland closest to the ears, then extended to my cheeks and mouth like a fuse. Because the text also mentioned "hawthorn cheese," I unconsciously began to associate the already distinctive feeling "hawthorn" brought to me with the thickness of fat, the flavor of dairy products, and its temperature after refrigeration. While extracting information about "cheese," I referred to the thick cream cheese spread on the sourdough bread I ate for breakfast. The sensation of "hawthorn" had not subsided for a long time. 

雪花 Snowflake



From upper right to lower left, snowflakes fell down from my bedroom window at an extremely fast pace. It was my first impression of the movement of snow when I opened the curtains in the morning and heard myself exclaim, “The snow is heavy.” When I was deciding when to buy flowers in reference to the weather forecast the day before yesterday, I knew that there was a 50 percent chance of snow this Sunday. Last night before sleep, as "this Sunday" drew closer, the chances of snow were broken down by hours: from 3:00 a.m. to 3 p.m., a hexagonal snowflake symbol marked each hour. Let us rewind a bit to the moment when I got up from bed, turned off the heat, and opened the curtains. Even though I knew it was going to snow today two days ago, I was astonished by how fast and dense the snowfall was, and uttered, "the snow is heavy." Having lived in a southern city, I experienced “snow” as a verb for the first time here and have slowly learned to walk upright on a ground without friction.So far, I have seen quite a bit of snow. But "snow" still falls outside of the weather categories I'm used to. After breakfast, I sit by my bedroom window and start to write about the snow. Snow particles seem smaller than an hour ago, or perhaps it is because the sky is brighter now. The snowflakes are still falling across my bedroom window from the upper right to the lower left at an extremely fast speed, and yes, it appears my initial conclusion was correct. Sitting at the window or leaning on it with a steaming cup of coffee, if you examine more closely the trajectory of each piece of snowflake (rather than rushing to an overall conclusion or be dominated by the flock of snowflakes closest to your window), you will realize the brief description of "from the upper right to lower left" is only a first impression when asked to depict the snow in a few words. To begin with, most of the snowflakes appear in my view from left to right, but they appear from many different angles. The snowflakes closer to the building move obliquely, whereas those further away move less sideways. If you look closer, you will find that many individual snowflakes are lagging behind in this overall movement. Some suddenly lose their acceleration while sliding along the prescribed track, drifting downward sloppily. Others move “against the snow” from left to right in the opposite direction, and some even rise. But a snowflake that is hit head-on by another ordinary one falls into a receding range of weakened disorder, much like ripples. In general, these detached individuals remain in my (your) view for a relatively long period, yet the time is still measured in units less than seconds.

The snow comes from the top right and falls to the bottom left. Landing places on the lower left side vary, but all can be summed up as "ground". Where is the end of the upper right side from which the snowflakes come? Assuming a snowflake's trajectory is a long diagonal line, then the space it occupies is the continuous rectangular spaces defined and extended by those lines. In spite of this, these rectangular spaces are not infinite: at this moment in time, there is no continuous diagonal line of snow on Earth's surface. If one goes all the way back to the liminal state when the snow is about to fall, back to the diagonal line where the last and first piece of snowflake at the boundary fall, then when you stand at the ground where this snowflake falls according to its trajectory, and look up from this end to the other end of the diagonal line, you may see the end of the upper right side of snow. Another piece of snowflake falls, lightly, approaching your eyes. Before you know you have managed to find the end of the snow, it has already fallen, landing exactly on the other end of the line on the ground where your leather boots stand. Its shape is the same as the standard hexagonal snowflake symbol you saw on the weather forecast. It has not yet begun to melt.


The sound of the water changed thereafter.

水龙头的水 Water from the faucet


The change in the shape of water flow from the faucet started two and a half hours ago when the water was cut off. As usual, I went from my room to the kitchen, took the ingredients out of the refrigerator in a proper order, and placed them next to the stove. After checking to make sure the pan had been cleaned, I sprayed it with oil and tapped an egg from the left-hand side on the right-hand side of the counter (I checked that the crack in the eggshell was wide enough to open up upon the first tapping) and poured the egg into the edge of the pan. As usual, lunch preparation went smoothly, and even the action after the egg has landed steadily onto the pan was done on schedule: I turned around, walked towards the sink to wash my hand, which was stained with egg wash. That was when the fact that the kitchen sink was drained of water confronted me. (I specifically called out “kitchen” sink instead of saying that water was cut off in general because I then ran to the washroom with my left hand still covered in egg wash and discovered that water there was, thankfully, still working.) Lunch preparations went back on track quickly, except I had to wash the strawberries in the washroom sink and except I wondered how much running water would be needed to prepare a meal while I was cooking the spinach. Since I mentioned that the shape of the water flow changed, it meant that the water flowed again in the kitchen at some point. The sound of pressure, gas, and liquid splashing onto the stainless steel sink occurred to my ears when I was in my room having lunch (I leaved the faucet on so I would know when the water was back.) Forget about the noise and misbehavior of this returned water and its slightly murky color (judging by it in a white porcelain bowl). Despite always being the same before, the shape of the water has changed after these two and a half hours. It is not an easy task to describe the shape of water, but presumably due to the daily contact, it was noticeable at the very point when the faucet was turned on: a tighter stream was flowing down the faucet in a slightly jagged pattern, instead of the usual colorless liquid that appeared in a full cylinder shape. "Maybe it's the water pressure," I thought, but with all the subjects of measurements and comparisons being invisible all along, I hesitated to draw a conclusion.

钟摆声 Sound of a pendulum


I always hear the sound of a clock’s second hand ticking when I stare blankly at my desk for a minute after a series of morning clean-up activities. It must not be the sound of a clock: there is no clock on my desk (and in my room), except for an electronic clock with a dead battery that appears on the bedside table with a blank screen. What is the sound?  The main reason I just brought this faint sound that caught my attention into the range of observation is that it seems to carry a rhythmic pattern; such regularity is also the basis of my previous speculation of “hearing the sound of a clock’s second hand ticking”. What could be more regular than the movement of the second hand of a clock? But the precise rhythm of this sound will suddenly be disrupted, from a movement similar to that of a clock to one that gradually becomes faster and denser. When the intensity is about to perform a coherent, seamless pitch of a single frequency, it stops. I moved closer and put my ear on the table to look for the source of the sound. I found it: it was the sound of hot water left in the slight indentation at the bottom of a glass cup just filled being squeezed (perhaps it is the air bubbles trying to leave) in the small, enclosed space between the glass and the flat surface of the table.


The white heat exhaled from Bernese Mountain dog, the very thin crescent, the red alarm lamp on the top of the traffic light, the cold, pinkish sunset, the letter "A", and a left hand feeling a little sore from the grip.

圆形陶瓷 Porcelain sphere


I accidentally broke a ceramic sphere that was on the top shelf of the bookcase. I was lying on the carpet stretching and misjudged the distance between my foot and the bookcase. Some vibrations followed after the unexpected touch, a brief scraping sound as the ceramic rolled down to the corner of the shelf, a short and crisp cracking sound, and many broken pieces. In fact, I subconsciously turned my head around having felt the touch with my foot and the shake. I witnessed (in retrospect, the seconds were stretched and slowed down) the sphere rolling down and shattered on the ground. Placing a ceramic sphere that rests on a flat surface with a surface area of only about an inch in diameter on top of a six-story bookcase was not a wise decision, even at the moment when I made this decision (probably two years ago). It was part of the last project I made before returning home due to the pandemic two years ago. Since the in-person courses were canceled right after, therefore, the surfaces where this ceramic sphere had stayed were limited to: the rack in the ceramic room waiting to be burned, the shelf in the electric kiln, the square iron base, the top of the bookcase and the time when it was still spherical and crossed the vertical space before it knocked on the floor. I don’t know when it started (but I knew it did start at some point), emotional shock all sounded to me like a muffled, compressed, slightly vibrating, indistinguishable sound heard in another space from under the water.

地毯 Carpet


The carpet on the nineteenth floor is in variegated gray and white. Let me be clear. Every floor of the building is carpeted from the edge of the elevator shaft to the corridor that connects every door. And just today, I found out that the carpet on the nineteenth floor, unlike the carpet on the floor I live on and unlike the carpet of other floors I have once docked before (the floors whom I have shared an elevator with lives on), is a mixture of gray and white with no recognizable shapes or particular patterns. On the other floors (today's sudden discovery made me hesitate to assume the uniformity of carpets in the building), the carpets have a medium yellow background, where rectangles of darker grass greens and darker shades of yellow arrange themselves alternately into a larger rectangle matrix around the simplified shapes of white flowers and their foliages at the center. Each matrix is a unit that repeats. Each unit spans about two steps in length and less than a half a step in distance from the next repeated matrix, stretching down in the direction of the corridor. Is this the first time I stopped on the nineteenth floor? Haven’t I ever met people who live on the nineteenth floor in the same elevator? The carpet on the nineteenth floor is so different that I'm sure anyone, anyone who has ever looked down at the aisle during the six seconds of an elevator stop, will have noticed this abrupt tonal difference. Today, for the first time, I realized (and was confronted) that the carpet on the nineteenth floor is different. Just now, I had always thought that I had (for more than once) stopped at the nineteenth floor, which should be a familiar, special floor, for every resident in the building. The nineteenth floor is at the midpoint of the elevators' longest running distance. When not in operation, one of the two elevators will be on standby on the nineteenth floor — the floor with equal travel to the two ends (while the other will stay on the lowest floor). Every resident in the building must have seen the number “19” on the screen before they pressed the elevator, a red dotted number. It was only after seeing the number that they heard the elevator start to run. The elevator they were about to enter came from the direction of the nineteenth floor.

下大雪 Snowing heavily


like a big handful of flour sprinkled before kneading a dough

下雪 Snowing


like a sprinkle of icing sugar

温度的气味 Smell of temperature

靠近正要沸腾的热水壶时闻到了熟悉的味道:热水、烘干机、暖气、太阳(停留过后的被子和玩偶)… 或许是温度的气味。

Smelled a familiar smell when approaching the boiling kettle: hot water, dryer, heat from a heater, sun (the smell of the sun stayed on the quilt and dolls…) It is perhaps the smell of temperature.