山楂 Hawthorn


I tried to sort out why the "souring" reaction happened at the glands on both sides of my cheeks caused by the appearance of "hawthorn". Firstly, "hawthorn" is known for its acidity (but it is also a prerequisite that you "know about hawthorn and have eaten it, preferably hawthorns that are not fully ripe, and you have a physiology that responds to acidity). Secondly, while browsing the mobile phone, "hawthorn" showed up as an image. Then, there was a text description of "hawthorn" provided by the author of the image (you recall the sweet hawthorn or sugar-coated hawthorn you have eaten, but you are too overwhelmed by the sour, cringe-worthy experience you once had). I was still attempting to make sense of the order in which the image and words of "hawthorn" were taken in, when a sour sensation of saliva began to manifest on my gland closest to the ears, then extended to my cheeks and mouth like a fuse. Because the text also mentioned "hawthorn cheese," I unconsciously began to associate the already distinctive feeling "hawthorn" brought to me with the thickness of fat, the flavor of dairy products, and its temperature after refrigeration. While extracting information about "cheese," I referred to the thick cream cheese spread on the sourdough bread I ate for breakfast. The sensation of "hawthorn" had not subsided for a long time.